13 March 2010


I was asked by Chucky to post some pictures of my dog. His name is Kujo, he is a full bred Pekingese. Hes very playful, along with being sweet and lovable. Kujo, is one of the best things other than Andy that has come into my life. Kujo, loves Kibbles and Bitts, and playing with cats. =]

11 March 2010


Relationships is something that can intimidate most people; although there a part of life that is inevitable. We have relationships with everyone, no matter whether they be meaningful or inimical we all have relationships. It is human nature to want to share your life with someone & when you find that someone you think you may want to share your life with; you know. Its a miraculous feeling. Pure Rapture.I believe that I have found that someone in Andy. This past weekend Andy came here to North Carolina to visit me and things went great, Things couldn'thave gone better.

Also Me and Andy Kay made another video that is 12mintues long and it can be found here on my XTUBE page. Please comment on it and let me know what you guys think.

      “If ever there is tomorrow when we're not together.. there is something you must always remember. you are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. but the most important thing is, even if we're apart.. i'll always be with you.”   Winnie the Pooh

04 March 2010

Living in the moment ....

To start off, my last post must have not been wrote clear enough; most people thought I was still in Arizona, although I had just gotten home for Phoenix, AZ. Anyways, I am really animated right now, because in LESS than 24 hours my boyfriend Andy Kay, will be here with me. This is going to be a extravagant next few days, with him here with me. As planned, there maybe new amateur videos/pictures of us posted on my Xtube Account.Stay TUNED! I will let you guys know what happened on his trip here.

I have recently started to learn how to Knit. Myself & a good friend of mine, Bobby have made it a mission of ours to accomplish Knitting.This at first come about from shopping in Wal-mart with bobby randomly looking for some art supplies and I saw the yarn, Bobby then exclaimed we should learn how to knit and well we are now learning to knit. If anyone has tips or knows any websites or books that may help feel free to shoot me an email. Thus far, I have progressed a lot; Knitting is no as easy as I thought it would be but I almost have most of the basics "down pat". My goal is to be able to make Finger-less gloves. I hope that I continue to progress in my knitting skills. I will post pictures of the Scarf I am knitting soon.

As I have already announced I am moving to Arizona soon. My anticipated moving date is between May & June. I am super excited I cant wait! I am currently fixing little things around my apartment that need to be touched up and fixed before I move out. I also went and bought paint to paint back my "creativity wall". My creativity wall is just blackboard paint and a creme colored paint that I use to paint the word "creativity" on it in the illusion for it to look like Chalk. When I have friends over for a few cocktails, my friends always write on it and leave me messages. Now that I have to paint over it, This brings up all the memoirs I have had in this apartment. I am going to miss dearly, all my friends I have made here, in Wilmington.
To all the friends I have made, remember:
"We all take different paths in life, but no matter where we go, we take a little of each other everywhere."
        Tim McGraw