29 June 2010

ER Trip.

If you follow my twitter you probably saw or heard I had an unfortunate event the other night. I should have never posted I was in the emergency room but I guess due to the confusion of what was going on in and being in shock I did. I am still getting texts & calls asking if I'm okay. On  June 27th around 8:30pm I began to get a numbness in my right leg, at first I inorged it, once it started running the rest of my right side of my body around 9:15 pm I became alarmed ... I then thought I was having a stroke, I called my friend and told him to come get me and take my to the nearest emergency room. Once at the hospital I disclosed my medical history( I have above avg blood pressure for my age which is eradicated with medication) my vitals were taken they assured me my blood pressure wasn't high enough to be having a stroke. The symptoms did get worse I couldn't really talk by 11:30 They ran test and told me I did not have a stroke, I had a TIA ( Google it ). Everything was cleared & back to normal up by 1am. & I was held in the hospital to be monitored for a few hours and discharged at. 6:30am. I hadn't taken my blood pressure medication in over a week, due to failure to get my RX filled ( so it was due to negligence on my behalf.) No damage was done. I am fine. I got my RX filled =]. I am following my doctors treatment plan as given to me. I was told I have nothing to worry about just take my blood pressure medication; she also stated since I went to nursing school & I had convinced my self I was having a stroke; the anxiety intensified the affects I was feeling.
One of the Scariest  Experiences of my LIFE.


Drew said...

im glad everything turned out okay do you know if it runs in the family.

Seth Serenity said...

Yes I am at very high risk for a stroke; My mother , Farther , & both my Grandparents on my Farther side died form a stroke =\

Lotta Roti said...

Happy to hear that you are all right! Gosh, please please see regularly a doctor about that blood pressure and follow his/her advice if you already have problems at your age!

I know a girl just like that... she is a vegetarian, does a lot of exercise, has never smoked and doesn't drink too much. She's around thirty now and has had terrible blood pressure for ages... it's all in genetics.

Anonymous said...
